title: "caret - Neural Network"
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This guide is designed as a quick-stop reference of how to use some of the more popular machine learning R packages with `vivid`. In the following examples, we use the air quality data for regression and the iris data for classification.
```{r setup, echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
### caret - Neural Network
The `caret` package (short for Classification And REgression Training) in R provides a unified interface to streamline the process of creating predictive models. In the following example, we use the `caret` package to utilize a neural network model fit via the `nnet` package. As `caret` is catered for in `vivid`, there is no need for a custom predict function here.
### Regression
```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = F}
# load data
aq <- na.omit(airquality)
# build caret nnet model
nn <- train(Ozone ~ ., data = aq, method = "nnet", trace = FALSE, linout = TRUE, maxit = 200)
# vivid
vi <- vivi(data = aq, fit = nn, response = 'Ozone')
#### Heatmap
```{r, caret_r_heat, out.width = '100%', eval = F}
viviHeatmap(mat = vi)
```{r, echo = F, out.width = '100%'}
Figure 1: Heatmap of a caret neural network regression fit displaying 2-way interaction strength on the off diagonal and individual variable importance on the diagonal.
#### PDP
```{r, caret_r_pdp, out.width='100%', eval = F}
pdpPairs(data = aq,
fit = nn,
response = "Ozone",
nmax = 50,
gridSize = 4,
nIce = 10)
```{r, echo = F, out.width = '100%'}
Figure 2: Generalized pairs partial dependence plot for a caret neural network regression fit.
### Classification
```{r, eval = F}
# Load the necessary library
# Load the iris dataset
irisMod <- iris
# Convert the Species to a binary classification: Setosa or not Setosa
irisMod$Species <- as.factor(ifelse(irisMod$Species == "setosa", "setosa", "not_setosa"))
# Train a neural network model
nn <- train(Species ~ ., data = irisMod, method = "nnet",
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5),
tuneLength = 1,
linout = FALSE, # this is set to FALSE for classification problems
trace = FALSE,
maxit = 200)
vi <- vivi(data = irisMod, fit = nn, response = 'Species')
#### Heatmap
```{r, caret_c_heat, out.width='100%', eval = F}
viviHeatmap(mat = vi)
```{r, echo = F, out.width = '100%'}
Figure 3: Heatmap of a caret neural network classification fit displaying 2-way interaction strength on the off diagonal and individual variable importance on the diagonal.
#### PDP
```{r, caret_c_pdp, out.width='100%', eval = F}
pdpPairs(data = irisMod,
fit = nn,
response = "Species",
nmax = 500,
gridSize = 20,
nIce = 100,
class = 'setosa')
```{r, echo = F, out.width = '100%'}
Figure 4: Generalized pairs partial dependence plot for a caret neural network classification fit.