This guide is designed as a quick-stop reference of how to use some
of the more popular machine learning R packages with vivid
In the following examples, we use the air quality data for regression
and the iris data for classification.
The caret
package (short for Classification And
REgression Training) in R provides a unified interface to streamline the
process of creating predictive models. In the following example, we use
the caret
package to utilize a neural network model fit via
the nnet
package. As caret
is catered for in
, there is no need for a custom predict function
# load data
aq <- na.omit(airquality)
# build caret nnet model
nn <- train(Ozone ~ ., data = aq, method = "nnet", trace = FALSE, linout = TRUE, maxit = 200)
# vivid
vi <- vivi(data = aq, fit = nn, response = 'Ozone')
# Load the necessary library
# Load the iris dataset
irisMod <- iris
# Convert the Species to a binary classification: Setosa or not Setosa
irisMod$Species <- as.factor(ifelse(irisMod$Species == "setosa", "setosa", "not_setosa"))
# Train a neural network model
nn <- train(Species ~ ., data = irisMod, method = "nnet",
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5),
tuneLength = 1,
linout = FALSE, # this is set to FALSE for classification problems
trace = FALSE,
maxit = 200)
vi <- vivi(data = irisMod, fit = nn, response = 'Species')